New Moon seeds to honor and plant,
As we surrender to the beauty that life enchants.
Admiring ourselves and all we've been through,
Letting go and allowing ourselves to B E T R U E.
Planting new seeds of L O V E and C R E A T I O N,
Seeds of being unattached to any manifestation.
Seeds of loving Self even more and loving others,
Seeds of delightful surprises that bring us closer to our sisters and brothers.
Seeds of opening our hearts to pure potentiality,
Seeds of embracing our magical new reality.
Seeds of longevity, seeds of beauty,
Seeds of prosperity and seeds of community.
Seeds of greater compassion and health,
Seeds of full self-expression and wealth.
Seeds of great joy and inspiration,
Seeds of deep gratitude, wonder and fascination.
Seeds of inner light and youth,
Seeds of childlike innocence, play and truth.
Seeds of uncompromising action,
Seeds of sharing our light in a new world gaining traction.
Seeds of greater freedom and divinity,
Seeds of trusting in the unknown and walking in nobility.
Seeds of greater strength, courage and will,
Seeds of greater confidence, and desires fulfilled.
Seeds of E X C I T E M E N T and E N T H U S I A S M for life,
Seeds of intimate connection and B A L A N C E in Paradise.
Mahalo ke Akua.