New beginnings of abundance is now flooding the planet with light and love, opening hearts to greater self-love and compassion. The level of wholeness and coherence is being raised for all beings as we hold this frequency of new vibration, create fields of golden light, and traverse the planes of existence releasing more and more shadow. Transmutation into light and restoring the truth as we build and construct new grids with new thought patterns, we weave together into a new
"Tapestry of Light", a new sacred geometric grid of alchemical magic.
We are whole and complete and all our gifts will now have the opportunity to be expressed in full measure. Grateful and thankful we are for this blessing coming towards us now as we continue the preparation through sanitization and cleansing the last vestiges of our coffers individually and collectively. This amazing grace protected and guarded by all the galactic, cosmic spirit beings and guides is gifting us now with the "Purity of Pleasure" in all things. We no longer need to "do" anything. We are "be" ings expressing the full truth of our divinity and divine blueprint in joyful, fun and playful ways.
We stand at this threshold of this next phase of evolution ready to receive the BEAUTY and BOUNTY
We give thanks and praise that this is so. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.
Welcome to the New World.