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Rainbow Rebirth Transmission
January 3, 2023The 13 Whales descended upon the cities, awakening all souls to be happy, free, and giddy. They came to remove all violence and fear, and announce to the world, 'the Golden Age is here'. The frequency of their sound traveled across the lands, and all beings gathered together holding...December 25, 2022Christ said, "I and the Father are One." Carl Jung gave us the term "Collective Unconscious" referring to the part of the mind that is made up of the memories and impulses that we are not aware. WE all carry these attitudes, behaviors and deep-seated beliefs within the ONE collective MIND. The...November 6, 2022It's a magical force, our words of fertility, To forever exist in the Akash of antiquity. Words of wisdom, words of grace, Words of truth create beautiful space. Our words create the world with every tone, They are mighty enough to be 'set in stone'. Unconscious words can fly out...
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Photos of Jennifer were created by the magic of Lisa Seed.